RDP Tunneling
I've been trying to tunnel my RDP on my Win 11 Pro PC. I bought a domain on cloudflare and am trying to route through it.
My tunneling settings
On my PC I ran
cloudflared.exe service install ...
On my client I ran cloudflared access rdp --hostname rdp.my-domain.me --url rdp://localhost:3389
I got the following error:
I've tried looking online but I don't see anything that could be the issue.
I have WebSockets enabled in Network
Any ideas what's wrong?2 Replies
failed to connect to origin error="websocket: bad handshake" originURL=https://rdp.my-domain.meSomething wrong with connecting to
. Try to connect and then Check Firewall logs (Security -> Events) and if websockets are enabled under the Network Tab.I think port 3389 would be already occupied, can you try localhost:;3390 in the end ?