Intermittent high ping times

Trying to get a steady connection for chiaki and/or PSplay and/or steam remote play. Went out and upgraded to a whole WiFi 7 mesh system and the problem persists with all 3. Every few minutes, I get 5 to 10 seconds where chiaki complains about high packet loss. The video feed gets completely broken during this time. Pinging from my desktop to the legion go confirms a high ping time (150ms or so). Ping time to the access point the legion go is connected to is 1ms, so it doesn't seem to be a network issue. A few seconds later, the ping time to the legion go is back down to 2ms and chiaki works fine until the p process repeats. My phone and the legion go are the only devices on this SSID and the 6ghz band. The problem does NOT happen on windows. I've tried turning off WiFi power save in developer options, but it doesn't seem to help. Any suggestions? EDIT: this is seemingly only happening on my 6ghz band. If I switch to 5ghz, I haven't been able to reproduce it yet.
5 Replies
WarlockLordOP9mo ago
Spoilers below for ff7 rebirth but it gives a perfect illustration of what's happening. You can see it start right around 31 seconds.
WarlockLordOP9mo ago
TecN01R8mo ago
Are you still experiencing this on the latest Bazzite?
WarlockLordOP8mo ago
Yes but I've found a solution for the interim. Apparently this is caused by roaming aggressiveness. I've locked to a specific BSSID in desktop mode and this causes it to stop scanning for a better connection (which is what was causing the sudden high ping times and packet loss) Just tried removing the BSSID and the problem came back in less than 5 minutes. Seems to still be an issue on latest bazzite .
TecN01R8mo ago
Yeah, the same solution works for me

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