Not displaying right eye when running Flatland (Pico 4/Wivrn/Endeavour)

(running latest Plasma/Wayland) I got Wivrn running finally (and XRGears too, twas just a missing Mesa driver!), though running Flatland/Stardust I'm only getting an image on the left eye. (System-related UI/visuals are unaffected.) XRGears comes through on both eyes, so I'm pretty sure it's not a Wivrn/Monado goof. Also, where should I be looking for debug logs for Stardust?
45 Replies
Nova•3mo ago
yeah, i've had that issue too and it's so so weird because afaik stardust wasn't ever the issue there?? are you using nvidia? and debug logs can be gotten by RUST_LOG=debug or such on the server
Blue Aster
Blue Aster•3mo ago
Huh, wack I'm all AMD; where would I add that debug statement? (smol boio here) I'm just assuming I have no clue what I'm doing 🤪
debug]$ RUST_LOG=debug ./stardust-xr-server
2024-07-04T01:58:11.026112Z INFO main stardust_xr_server: 89: Stardust socket created socket_path="/run/user/1000/stardust-0"
2024-07-04T01:58:11.026170Z INFO main stardust_xr_server: 106: Init client join loop
The application panicked (crashed).
Message: called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: NameTaken
Location: src/

Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
debug]$ RUST_LOG=debug ./stardust-xr-server
2024-07-04T01:58:11.026112Z INFO main stardust_xr_server: 89: Stardust socket created socket_path="/run/user/1000/stardust-0"
2024-07-04T01:58:11.026170Z INFO main stardust_xr_server: 106: Init client join loop
The application panicked (crashed).
Message: called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: NameTaken
Location: src/

Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
Nova•3mo ago
you have 2 instances of the server running at once
Blue Aster
Blue Aster•3mo ago
Oh great, right how tf do we terminate it again
Nova•3mo ago
Blue Aster
Blue Aster•3mo ago
Ah I launched it from the client init script you walked me through yesterday, how would I do it from commandline?
Nova•3mo ago
just do killall startup or something idk
Blue Aster
Blue Aster•3mo ago
startup referring to the script? since it didn't find anything there
Nova•3mo ago
yeah maybe you need to kill cargo?
Blue Aster
Blue Aster•3mo ago
Nope, nothing
Stardust]$ killall cargo
cargo: no process found
Stardust]$ killall cargo
cargo: no process found
jobs comes up with nothing Seems to open up alright now, I'm just not in XR atm I did have Envision open (but Monado was shut), closing that coulda done the trick Anyway I'm gonna be heading up to the grass-touching station, so I'll be AWOL for ~1hr
Nova•3mo ago
oh okey
Blue Aster
Blue Aster•3mo ago
Ah, that was a long ahh hour so likely tomorrow Thank you!
Nova•3mo ago
so sorry it's been such a pain
Blue Aster
Blue Aster•3mo ago
Such is the fun Regular desktop resists being made spatial
Blue Aster
Blue Aster•3mo ago
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