Cloudflare with subdomain ?

Hi there.. we've been using the cloudflare DNS free plan for many years for our domain(s). We're trying to do some marketing stuff which looks like setting up a subdomain would be ideal for. Am I reading correctly that you cant have a subdomain on the free DNS plan? We use 365 as well. Wondering if I can/should migrate DNS to there to be able to handle this situation. Hopefullly I have it all wrong and it is possible with CF 🙂 I prefer it.
16 Replies
Chaika•9mo ago
That'd be a pretty major missing feature if you couldn't. You can have proxied (all traffic going through cf's cdn) or unproxied subdomains, no issue
ZerowarzOP•9mo ago
Any tips on how to set up? I click on "Add Site" and try to enter a new subdomain like "" and it says enter the root.. which I do, which then says "already exists".. so a bit confused sorry :\
Chaika•9mo ago
If it says already exists for the root, then it sounds like you have the root in Cloudflare? If so, then you'd just add the DNS Record for the subdomain in there
ZerowarzOP•9mo ago
I do have the root in cloudflare.. but (in case it matters) CF is not the registrar for the domain
Chaika•9mo ago
it doesn't, you'd just navigate to the root domain and add the DNS Record (A/AAAA/CNAME) for the subdomain Now it may be worth noting you can't add subdomains standalone on free plan as separate zones/websites. (ex: If the domain was using external dns, you couldn't have just a subdomain as a zone in Cloudflare on free plan), but if you've got the root in there using CF DNS you're fine, just need to add the dns record for the subdomain
ZerowarzOP•9mo ago
oh jeez I thougth a subdomain would be its own thing
Chaika•9mo ago
that sort of setup is possible on Enterprise plan and can be helpful sometimes with configuration, but yea on free you just configure that all under the root zone/website
ZerowarzOP•9mo ago
so sorry for the dumb question 🙂 Now I think I understand.
Chaika•9mo ago
all good. CF has a lot of rule types now like configuration rules and such that you can use to make specific settings only apply on specific hostnames/subdomains now too
ZerowarzOP•9mo ago
i probably wont need to get that involved 🙂 just need to make sure that the second SPF record they're requesting doesnt conflict with the first the whole point of this exercise is due to emails from our webforms etc being put in 365 quarantine due to "spoof intra-org". I believe its cause they are putting the sender as [email protected] which is technically spoofing our domain
Chaika•9mo ago
well you can't have two spf records on the same hostname, have to merge them if they're failing spf/dkim yea, could be
ZerowarzOP•9mo ago
i cant figure out what spf records etc to add for a wordpress site.. its confusing stuff. I think I need to set up an SMTP plugin for it instead of using their default method which is PHP mail i think
Chaika•9mo ago
the spf records you add depend more on your host/mailing service then the software you are using
ZerowarzOP•9mo ago
its interesting the lack of information on there regarding email coming from a wordpress site.. i found one article that says to add to SPF record, but that doesnt cover the IP address of the actual sending server.. so doesnt help
Chaika•9mo ago
well it's going to depend on who they're using to host. wpcloud is just for wordpress's own managed hosting
ZerowarzOP•9mo ago
ah-ha.. maybe thats the problem.. i have no idea where the site is hosted ill find that out grumbles.. marketing dept 😉

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