Universal Blue•7mo ago

games refusing to run

Hello all, im having a issue of launching any game on the rog ally. Desktop mode just won't run anything as a last resort and game mode flickers the wide capsule down like it's launching but then repeats that flicker and refuses to launch. Anyone got suggestions lol. It's made bazzite only useful for web browsing and emulation
24 Replies
lune5OP•7mo ago
wolfyreload•7mo ago
Let's see if we can find a useful error message. Close steam completely, then launch steam in desktop mode from the terminal with bazzite-steam then launch your game, hopefully you'll be able to see a helpful error message in the terminal. I suspect that steam might have messed up when it downloaded it's proton compatibility layer. Something else to try would be to download the latest GE-Proton using ProtonFix (gnome) or ProtonQT-up (KDE), one of them should be preinstalled for getting GE-Proton. If none of the above works, you might need to remove/rename your .steam hidden folder and let steam re-install itself, that might help as a last resort
lune5OP•7mo ago
I ended up doing a reinstall yesterday night and then problem ended up happening again. I'm getting a bunch of ld_preload can not be preloaded. (Wrong elf class elfclass32) Ignored and it deals with gameoverlayrenderer.so
lune5OP•7mo ago
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wolfyreload•7mo ago
I can see what your problem is. I suspect that "/var/mnt/OS" is shared with Windows and formatted with NTFS. Proton doesn't work properly on NTFS formatted partitions. Try install a game locally on your Bazzite disk and see if the game plays. If you want to share space with Windows, you are going to need to create a seperate BTFS partitioned disk and share it between Windows and Bazzite.
wolfyreload•7mo ago
You will need to install a driver for Windows to be able to use BTRFS https://github.com/maharmstone/btrfs
GitHub - maharmstone/btrfs: WinBtrfs - an open-source btrfs driver ...
WinBtrfs - an open-source btrfs driver for Windows - maharmstone/btrfs
lune5OP•7mo ago
I'm just curious why this has now became a issue. Was using bazzite over legiongo the last couple months but Never had a issue with the dual boot and then this issue just randomly shows up on the rog ally. . I tried unmounting and remounting and games are running now somehow. Will just get that driver and move games to that partition when off my double shift. I appreciate the help though!
wolfyreload•7mo ago
No prob. Glad that you came right. With NTFS disks sometimes you'll have no issues and sometimes everything breaks. There are ways around this https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/wiki/Using-a-NTFS-disk-with-Linux-and-Windows but it's usually much less of a pain using a shared BTRFS disk.
Using a NTFS disk with Linux and Windows
Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components - ValveSoftware/Proton
lune5OP•7mo ago
Working on all this currently but now my bazzite drive isn't showing up in the file explorer. Only showing my NTFS drive and my new btrfs drive for my games. Kde partition shows it mounted to / would that be correct Or would it be better to just extend the siZe of my whole bazzite drive and not have two separate btrfs drives
wolfyreload•7mo ago
That's very odd that it's not showing the main Bazzite drive. You could expand the Bazzite and just copy over the games you want to play to that drive. That would probably be the easiest. Do you have a lot of games that you want to play in both Bazzite and Windows at the same time?
lune5OP•7mo ago
Was mainly for if games didn't wanna work under steamos I wouldn't have to do installs twice. So after a long struggle I just gave up on trying to fix the drive not showing and combined both the bazzite partition and the btrfs "game" partition together with partition wipes. Windows reads the games under the bazzite drive and bazzite is reading my roms and whatnot from the NTFS. So far so good. Just was a long annoying process of back and forth Thanks a lot! You were great help!
wolfyreload•7mo ago
Well glad you came right 🙂
lune5OP•7mo ago
I do have one last question about the permissions. Under the registry in windows i added my sid in the registry location with decimal 1000 and did the same for groups , I made a file and check permissions but it doesn't show my username, it shows root permissions in bazzite. It should show my username tho correct?
wolfyreload•7mo ago
I'm not really sure, I just keep my Windows drive as readonly for copying files over to Bazzite while running Bazzite. I haven't played much with the winbtrfs driver I'm afraid
lune5OP•7mo ago
Ahh okay yeah I think I didn't do it correctly because games installed under windows still showing file privileges error. Works fine if it's installed through bazzite. Time to do more research
Rin•7mo ago
That happens with me too, Windows created files are always messed permissions and I have to perform chown -R for the whole drive again Doesn't take much time so it's fine for me, I don't install much games for Windows anyway
lune5OP•7mo ago
So im definitely not doing it correct if under the file permissions it's showing root as my ownership for user and group right?
Rin•7mo ago
If the drive was firstly formated and mounted by the system that's right actually Will change if you change that manually like with the command I mentioned Here the full command if you want to retrieve all that folder sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /path/to/mount
lune5OP•7mo ago
If not mistaken It actual looks like a issue with my internal drive actually and the proton files that are installed on my bazzite drives showing a missing shared content.. im sorry for the bother on this all
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lune5OP•7mo ago
Files are all showing root until I check permissions on the 1628350 folder which then shows nfsnobody for user and users for group and that's on the bazzite partition .
Rin•7mo ago
Oh I thought the issue was on the secondary drives, my bad too You can use the same command to solve that, just point for where ever you want
lune5OP•7mo ago
I thought so as well until I realized it's erroring out on bazzite drive.. My NTFS drive shows root root for user and group. (Hoping that's fine seeming as it was never formatted, just brought over and mounted in kde) Just ran the command for var/home/lune and finally proton files are updating.
Rin•7mo ago
Great! My bad again I think only mounting with the system already shows as root, I remember now that happens with my NTFS drives since I was using Mint earlier this year
lune5OP•7mo ago
Ahh that would make sense. Was banging my head against the wall all night about these permissions lol used bazzite on Legion go (never had a issue with NTFS on Lego) and ally (NTFS partition issues galore) for about 3 months and clearly I got still so much to learn

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