Transfer and .de domains from Go Daddy to CloudFlare

Hi, I am struggling to transfer the domains to CloudFlare, it says unsupported on cloudflare under "transfer domain". On Go Daddy it doesn't give me an option to transfer the domains it says "extension is not supported" These are go daddys docs "Transfers to GoDaddy: Supported The transfer-in process is unique to domains and does not include a free one-year extension. An authorization code may be needed if you are transferring away from Hexonet aka 1 Api GmbH, or one their partners. Otherwise the authorization code is not required and this field can be left blank to further authorize the transfer from your account. Once the transfer is authorized in your account it will trigger an e-mail voting procedure. An e-mail will be sent from the registry (ZADNA) to each Whois contact (Owner, Admin, Tech, and Billing). At least one party has to APPROVE for a successful transfer. The transfer will fail if at least one party denies the transfer, and if there are NO votes received (APPROVE or DENY), the domain will not be transferred. If a party doesn't vote, the vote will be disregarded. If the transfer is not accepted in 5 days, the .CO.ZA transfer will fail." I am unsure on what to do to transfer my domains to CloudFlare or how to go about this.
7 Replies
MudOP9mo ago
Ramstik9mo ago
If you are trying to transfer a domain to Cloudflare and it says it's unsupported, that means we can't register domains with that TLD ( If you are trying to transfer it to GoDaddy and they support it, that might be a good plan. You can assign Cloudflare nameservers to the domain in GoDaddy and set up the site - the registration doesn't need to be with Cloudflare for the setup to work.
MudOP9mo ago
I am trying to transfer to cloudflare. The issue is that its happening with bouth .de and The dev guide doesn’t seem to specify that the tlds are not supported
Cloudflare Docs
Transfer your domain to Cloudflare · Cloudflare Registrar docs
Transferring your domain to Cloudflare tells your registry that a different registrar can now set those authoritative records for you. The …
Ramstik9mo ago
The docs won't have an explicit list of what is or is not supported, as the support can change at any time. Currently it just looks like the controlling entities for and .de are not allowing Cloudflare to register domains on their registries. That's really all it comes down to - "will they let us?" Porkbun supports .de but not cheap, too. 5 or so USD per year.
MudOP9mo ago
Interesting, thanks for the headsup. I am trying to move away from GoDaddy for their business practices of upselling everything else including ssl and also how pricey they are. What other domain registrars would you recommend. Ideally, our goal is to have all the domains in a central location for ease of access or to delegate access to other users/roles. CloudFlare from my research is great for that but as you mentioned unfortunately does not support those TLDs.
Ramstik9mo ago
Porkbun is great, that’s who I use personally. The downside is there aren’t too many registrars that won’t try to upsell you to some extent. AWS Route 53 supports both; (South Africa) - Amazon Route 53
One year. Only second-level domains are available for the .za extension. Route 53 supports the second-level domain Registration is open to identifiable legal entities (individuals and legal persons). The domain name must pass a zone check during the registration process.
.de (Germany) - Amazon Route 53
One year. Open to the public, with some restrictions: You must reside in Germany or have an administrative contact (physical person) who resides in Germany and has an address other than a P.O. box. During registration, the DNS (A, MX, and CNAME) of the domain name must be correctly configured so that it can pass the registry's zone check. Three ...
Ramstik9mo ago
Nice find, I wasn't aware of that page.

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