Connection timeout to host
Whenever I'm sending a lot of async requests (approximately 100), my worker getting timeout exceptions (see in the attached log file). How can we fix this issue ?
19 Replies
What happens to the job?
And how big is your outputs that is returned ?
@nerdylive returned output could be ~2 - 5 mb maximum. Job works as before, just some requests fails

Try reporting it on support
Contact button on the website
With your endpoint id
thank you, I will do that
@ArtyomKosakyan Hey have you got any response from the support?
What did they say
@ArtyomKosakyan Habing the same problem stopped working out of nowhere.
Huh just report it to support first if you're having the same problem
Stopped working like what
They linked this issue to the tech team, but there is no answer yet. Waiting for response.
Oh okay
I had the same issue yesterday:
I made a new release and since then I haven't had any more issues.
Probably some faulty workers, should note the worker ids so Runpod can investigate.
My response size was max 0.6 mb. When I replaced my response with single integer I did not notice timeouts anymore. I guess there is performance issues.
it happens randomly right?
Yea got the same error at the moment
Btw since you guys report here, I'm curious which region do you guys experience them in?
Using global
Report it to runpod from the contact button on the website