I have a general doubt in differentiation of ITF why do we assume the angle as another trigonometric identity

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मेरा डाउट स्केंदरी ये है कि अपनी टैन इन्वर्स अंदर वाली टाम को एक्स मान के इसका डारेक डिपरेंशेशन में तो पर सकते हैं, बड़ उससे गलत अंसर आ रहा है, तो फिर इसको कैसे करें?
can your send your working once?
hint:apply chain rule,after assuming inner term in some parameter.

I'm pretty sure ki chain rule main galti hai
Sab shi h
Bruh ik it
can you send your working please?
Power base angle waale rule se Kia na?
First differentiate wrt to power then base then the angle
Send you solution
Btw x ko tan square put karde
Bhejta hu thodi Der m
@Deleted User

Galat diff Kia hai
Kya glat h
There is an easier approach
Mujhe pta h
1st term main root main hoga na
X ko sec2theta mankr ho jayega
Actually wait let me solve
The easier approach is tan y = sqrt((x+1)/(x-1))
Apply d/dx on this equation
That will only work for the numerator
Shi h wo x² kiya hena to root ht jayega
denominator the identity won't work
Mene esa krliya hai uper pic dekh lo
Tan-1 root wala term banega na?
M smjha nhi
1/2 tan-1 root ()
1/ 1 + ()
Tum krke bta skte hokya copy m
Can't do that
Question ki pic pr click krke uper dekhna remix option dikhega usse krdo
Answer is option 2
This is the complete solution
Answer 1st derkha h
Ye dusre method se hoga x ko sec2ø mnkr my teacher also said this ki agar Tum isko directly differentiate kroge to answer glat ayega unhone iska reason pucha h ki esa kyu hoga mujhe whi puchna hai
hmmm okay
To fir kese hoga
tan-1(1+x/x-1)^1/2 will be always positive so you will have a mod when you square both sides
Yes that makes sense
diffencitaion of |x| if you want |x|/x
Modulus ka differentiation?¿
|x| is not differentiable
Bas 0 pe
Yaha 0 hai hi nhi
rest all places in real plane it is
But since the condition is |x| > 1, the it will be be differentiable at that point.
Apn |x| ko direct differentiate nhi krskte
derivative of it means the slope and it has only 2 possibilites +1 & -1
x>0 its 1 & when x<0 its -1 at 0 its not defined this we can write as |x|/x
|x| >1 given in question
But fir isse kya hi hogah 🤔
Mod to pure pr ayega
Ye kese hua

I got it from Google @Mohit
this is not difined only when x is negative
(x-1)^1/2 in the numerator in the previous step not the final answer
x for suppose is -2 it will give (-3)^1/2 how is that defined
Oh okok
you guys didn't use trignometric subsitution ?
I got it thank you
Yes that's a way but I was trying without changing x
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@Aman ?
+solved @hithav @Mohit @Max_34561 @Deleted User
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