Hostname mismatch Issues

Current setup is an Azure Web Service that has a SSL cert attached to it fromGoDaddy. Cloudflare, Full(Strict), Proxied. When browsing the site the cert looks good, but when we run the site through we get the error "hostname mismatch". This is only the case when going to the www. version of the site, if we test the non www version the cert checker passes. The Edge Certificate is active. Any advice on how to fix this? Website address is
6 Replies
Chaika9mo ago isn't a registered domain name. Did you maybe misspell it?
jaymarvelsOP9mo ago
I did, my bad, I have corrected this
Chaika9mo ago
ah ok. Looks like Godaddy's tool is just silly, the wildcard matches any first level subdomain, www included It works fine on your end too, right?
jaymarvelsOP9mo ago
Yeah, I haven't see any error page on chrome/edge/FF, was just some belt and brace checks
Chaika9mo ago
SSL Checker
Use our fast SSL Checker will help you troubleshoot common SSL Certificate installation problems on your server including verifying that the correct certificate is installed, valid, and properly trusted.
jaymarvelsOP9mo ago
Thank you

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