Cloudlfare tunnel logfile in docker
Hi All,
I hope it the correct place to ask this question. I have the clourflared docker running for a zero trust tunnel. I want to have the logfile so it can be sent to Loki. Add the --logile to the command and add the needed volume.
Yet it keeps complainint it has no permisision to write the file
Yet it keeps complainint it has no permisision to write the file
{"level":"error","time":"2024-06-30T19:34:52Z","message":"Falling back to a default logger due to logger setup failure: unable to create a new logfile: open /tmp/mytunnel.log: permission denied"}
It only work when it don't right it in a folder. Does anyone know who i can get the log file in a volume
1 Reply
My guess it has to do the permissions on the directory you are trying to write to. Also you might no need log file as the cloudflared logs will appear in the docker logs for the container