Purchased a jacket on eBay labeled as a blazer/sportcoat. Did I get an orphaned suit jacket?
Recently started shopping for a blazer/sportcoat for a wedding in the fall. Saw this Hart Schaeffner Marx jacket on eBay for an ok price, but now that I got it it seems the shoulders too padded for a blazer. Did I get an orphaned suit jacket? Anything I can do to use it, or should I open a message with the seller that they mislabeled the item?

3 Replies
blazers and sportcoats may also have padding; while i think it is an orphaned suit jacket i don't think it's absolute garbage
i'd check the wording on the listing to be sure but ebay customer service would likely side with you for a refund
changing the buttons would help this though i think the jacket itself may be too long (this is not the best picture to judge, a front/side shot with arms at your sides and a collared shirt would help, ex:
I figured I would have to get it tailored, since the sleeves are a bit long and knew the jacket length seemed to long as well. Just didn't know if it was even worth it if it if its an orphaned jacket.
Figured it might not worth the money and time if i'd be better off just looking for an unstructured jacket instead
if it didn't cost much i'd just sell/donate it and look for a different jacket