Is Dualbooting Secure?

Hello bazzite team, I would like to dual boot bazzite with Linux mint on two different ssds, but I am wondering if there are any security risks of doing so? Since I want to use bazzite as a HTPC with the steam gui and I don’t know if that is a security risk cuz I won’t have a user password for an HTPC. I would appreciate any help
8 Replies
antheas9mo ago
use secure boot and bitlocker for windows if mint use hw encryption for mint
VAtrickOP9mo ago
Thank for the answer but I am not quite sure what hw is? And the times I used bazzite before secure boot didn’t work
antheas9mo ago
are you afraid of people accessing your desktop drive from the htpc?
VAtrickOP9mo ago
No not at all but im not sure how it works when some hacker wants to get remote access to my pc
antheas9mo ago
hacker from? will you be waving the flag on the HTPC setup? steam is very safe to use
VAtrickOP9mo ago
No I am not giving up on using a HTPC setup but I am just not sure if there is anything to worry about when dualbooting my Linux mint with bazzite in terms of security and privacy I not a target of a hacker group or anything but I was just unsure if bazzite has security concerns when it comes to stuff like remote access or anything like that. I mean the steam deck is also not the best device when it comes to security, it doesn’t even have a firewall
antheas9mo ago
bazzite is as safe as you make it be it uses all security features from fedora including a firewall and selinux if you only use steam games its fine if not, and you want to make sure your desktop files are fine you need to encrypt your mint ssd
VAtrickOP9mo ago
Ok thanks, that answers my question now I have a better picture of the whole thing

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