CSS animation not triggering

I have this animation and upon calling open() with another Svelte component, I can see the toggled-ring class getting added in devtools but it does not cause the animation to play. When I staticly add this class in code, it does play the animation correctly. How can I toggle this animation with JS?
29 Replies
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson8mo ago
Does it not even run the animation once?
Zax71OP8mo ago
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Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson8mo ago
I don't know much about Svelte but I must say that, from looking at your code, I do like the look of it. It basically looks so similar to JavaScript it seems familiar. I should really give this a go! It appears that, as the toggled-ring class isn't being included in the CSS. I presume that this is due to Svelte detecting that it isn't being used (in the HTML) so it saves space by not exporting it. I tried adding the "toggled-ring" to one of the circles and, on running the code, the class was now included and the animation ran on clicking the button. I may be well off with this but that certiainly lools like what is happening. If that is the case I presume there must be a way to "force" Svelte to include the class 🤔 ... a quick search has confirmed my suspicion - Svelte is not exporting unused classes
Jochem8mo ago
you can wrap the selector in :global() iirc so :global{.toggled-ring) not 100% ideal, but it should force svelte to include the class regardless of it not being used anywhere
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson8mo ago
I literally just found that solution as you replied - thanks Jochem 👍
Zax71OP8mo ago
Thanks so much! I'll look in to using that That was the issue! Thanks :D
Jochem8mo ago
keep in mind that it negates scoped styling, so it'll apply to any element with toggle-ring on it. Don't overuse it, especially if you're not the only one writing code for the project
Zax71OP8mo ago
Yeah, that is a downside. It is just me writing here so it should not be an issue but if another solution exists then I'll certainly swap it out
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson8mo ago
I get the idea behind not compiling unused classes but there should be a better solution that having to make it global.
Jochem8mo ago
yeah, especially for a component framework. Toggling classes on and off is such a common thing
b1mind8mo ago
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson8mo ago
A possible better way to do this would be. like this:
let animated = false;
export function open() {
animated = true

<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100">
<circle cx="100" cy="0" r="100" class="ring {animated ? 'toggled-ring': ''}" style="--scale: 100%; --color: #2E2A4C" />
<circle cx="100" cy="0" r="100" class="ring {animated ? 'toggled-ring': ''}" style="--scale: 90%; --color: #BA4A64" />
<circle cx="100" cy="0" r="100" class="ring {animated ? 'toggled-ring': ''}" style="--scale: 80%; --color: #E7734A" />
let animated = false;
export function open() {
animated = true

<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100">
<circle cx="100" cy="0" r="100" class="ring {animated ? 'toggled-ring': ''}" style="--scale: 100%; --color: #2E2A4C" />
<circle cx="100" cy="0" r="100" class="ring {animated ? 'toggled-ring': ''}" style="--scale: 90%; --color: #BA4A64" />
<circle cx="100" cy="0" r="100" class="ring {animated ? 'toggled-ring': ''}" style="--scale: 80%; --color: #E7734A" />
That will include the class toggled-ring
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson8mo ago
I do like the look of Svelte! - this is the first time I have ever looked at it beyond a quick read.
b1mind8mo ago
Sveltes 🔥 mate you should give a college try People think I'm just full of it but the DX is hard to beat and getting better in Svetle5 imo I'm trying to find how they are changing :global() too cause it gets better in 5 They also changed on:event to actual event attributes onclick= which allows for better handling of events. (leveraging the platform 👏 ) oh so yea in Svelte5 how we can do global got cleaner
:global(.class) {}
:global {
:global(.class) {}
:global {
which I'm all for ❤️ (there are cases you need this escape hatch so really nice that its a cleaner way to nest them vs writing a :global() for each selector)
Zax71OP8mo ago
Ah! I forgot about that. I'll implement that once I figure out how to play the animation multiple times
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson8mo ago
With the version that I posted a few minutes ago you can do this to toggle the animation:
let animated = false;
export function open() {
animated = !animated
let animated = false;
export function open() {
animated = !animated
Zax71OP8mo ago
Except CSS doesn't like re-playing animations (Unless I am missing something there)
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson8mo ago
that removes the class from the circles
Zax71OP8mo ago
Yeah, removing the class will not play it in reverse from what I have found
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson8mo ago
ah, you didn't mention that you want to play it in reverse, just to play it multiple times.
Zax71OP8mo ago
Good point, yeah. This is for a hamburger menu
b1mind8mo ago
I would honestly use Sveltes animations maybe at that point
Zax71OP8mo ago
b1mind8mo ago
https://svelte.dev/examples/in-and-out You can make them custom this is just the example
Zax71OP8mo ago
Ooh, that sounds like the clean way to do this...
b1mind8mo ago
https://joyofcode.xyz/animation-with-svelte#custom-transitions Whats really 🔥 is you can use this method to tap into JS animation libraries too and use tick to progress a timeline lets say.
Zax71OP8mo ago
Wow! I'll have to dig in to this. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction <3
b1mind8mo ago
np you have options now!

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