How come we can't make a good fucking crosshair in this game
Like its not fucking rocket science at least fucking allow people to import their own crosshairs from images if you can't make a proper crosshair maker, the intervals between levels of length are so fucking big, the outlines are so half assed you literally cant even use them in more than the most basic way and even if you try to make the most basic ass "plus" crosshair the outlines just go apeshit on it, not to comment on the fact you can't change their color its fucking pathetic
7 Replies
womp womp
womp to the fucking womp
Cry about it
I have developed an app to do just that. Crosshair apps that let you upload an image are often overpriced, around $10 or so. Many people were complaining about this, and since I have some programming skills, I realized it wasn't hard to replicate the tool, so I did. It's called PC Master Aim, and it's available on Steam if you want to give it a try.