Google Search Console Errors

Hi! First off I appreciate all help that I can get. I have tried for a long time, but everything I do doesn't fix the issues or allow for more. I have removed many of the sites from the 'removals tab' that are getting a problem but still appear. I have added images of the biggest problem "Alternate page with proper canonical tag", the overview, and the removals tab. As a background, I have tried multiple tools including multiple sitemap generators and ScreamingFrogSEOSpider. But when I want them to scrape the website it continues and loops into pages that don't exist. When I want it to scrape the version via GitHub pages it works but this current website is hosted through Cloudflare pages but I have enabled features to ease the way and quality of the bots who can scrape and index it. The website with the problems is '' ( if it's hard to see in the screenshots. I have also had a hard time to setup www in the Cloudflare DNS settings. I have tried the regular CNAME method multiple times but the only thing that works is hosting the website again but on that subdomain but that makes that site act like a different website. I would love to get help with this as well. With that said I suspect it could be some option in the Cloudflare dashboard that makes this issue appear but I'm not sure. The issues with pages that are blocked by robots.txt are not an issue. I have pages on the website that are not ready for indexing or temporary pages that I don't want to keep later. I have waited for the validation of the "Duplicate without user-selected canonical" since 6/6/24 and I'm not sure if that's fixed either so I would love some help with that too. If you visit the website you can see that I have added a canonical tag in every page's head. Thank you for reading all that and I hope that I can get some help. If necessary I'd have no problem with sharing more information. [ Please ping me so I can see the responses quicker 🙂 ]
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23 Replies
VernOP8mo ago
Please ping me so I can see the responses quicker 🙂
ἔρως8mo ago
press f12 and run this: document.querySelectorAll('a').forEach((x)=>console.log(x.href)); i ran it on this page:
dys 🐙
dys 🐙8mo ago
Unfortunately, some folx on this Discord have a philosophical aversion to Discord's reply function. 😸 (It's been discussed.)
ἔρως8mo ago
yes, and pinging
VernOP8mo ago
ἔρως8mo ago
i hate pinging because i hate being pinged
VernOP8mo ago
I hate being pinged when I am uninterested lol I'll run it now All those links that appeared are correct.
ἔρως8mo ago
yes, and if you click on the links, they redirect to a link without the .html
VernOP8mo ago
Yes. I want the website to work without the .html suffix. Is that the issue that causes the loop? How could I fix that issue? It feels wrong to just remove the .html from the code at all places because then it won't work locally and it just feels wrong haha but is that the correct way of doing it?
ἔρως8mo ago
you fix it by removing the .html from ALL the links almost all redirect to the non-.html version
VernOP8mo ago
ok. Yeah, the way cloudflare handles the pages just removes the .html suffix. But if I just remove the .html won't that cause issues when files and folders have the same name? I have a blogg.html that displays all blog posts and then a blogg/<blog> folder that stores all blog posts. How would they know if its the folder or the file? And that would make the website unusuable locally with live server, right?
ἔρως8mo ago
have you tried to go to the website and checking it?
VernOP8mo ago
I opened VScode locally and started live server and when i clicked on the blogg link which was blogg.html earlier it takes me to the folder
No description
VernOP8mo ago
But the linking to the other pages seems to still work after just removing the .html suffix. So I need to rename the folder and then everything is sorted?
ἔρως8mo ago
the live server isn't the same as the server you have for the website
VernOP8mo ago
I can try it on the website server too but it feels like it would greatly slow down development and make testing more tedious if I need to link the pages without any suffix locally but if I need to do it that way then there is really nothing i can do :p In the production environment it didn't see it as a folder so I'll just remove the .html from all pages. Thank you so much for the help. That would have taken me a while to figure out haha.
ἔρως8mo ago
what's the tech stack in the server?
VernOP8mo ago
I do not control the server at all since I host through cloudflare pages and my website is built with bootstrap, js, css and html so not anything fancy
VernOP8mo ago
I haven't. I set it up now and now it could even remove the suffix locally and it didn't take me to the folder after going to blogg now Everything seems to work like I want it now except that I still lose some of the pros of vscode that autocompletes with the extension and that i can ctrl+leftclick to enter that file but that is just small things
ἔρως8mo ago
the autocomplete will be incorrect anyways
VernOP8mo ago
yeah. I removed the .html suffix from all pages and I'll use wrangler in the future. Thanks for your time and for helping me. I'll request a new validation and hope for issues to be fixed 😅 And to make sure i tried crawling the website via and now it didn't loop and everything just works haha
ἔρως8mo ago
you're welcome, it's good that it worked

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