Override Default Border on Input

I am working on the tip calculator project on frontendmentor and I've used :hover, :focus and :active to adjust the border color of the custom tip input box but it still defaults to the blue border when I start typing in both chrome and firefox. Here is my deployed project so far: https://calculate-and-split-tip.netlify.app/ My codebase is here: https://github.com/mathematiCode/Tip-Calculator-FEM I've tried commenting out all of my js, in devtools it shows that the styles in the :focus, :hover selector are being applied but it keeps changing the color to the default blue when I start typing. I am using vanilla CSS and JS btw.
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10 Replies
ἔρως9mo ago
it's an outline, not border and you should set a good color for it
JuliannaOP9mo ago
Ahh that was it, thank you so much. I just set the outline to none.
ἔρως9mo ago
and you set a different color on the border when it is focused, right?
JuliannaOP9mo ago
Yup! So it looks like on chrome the outline was covering my border. But on the Firefox video you could see both. It works correctly now, you can only see the border I’ve set. I just haven’t deployed the correct version yet.
ἔρως9mo ago
as long as the border/outline changes to a color that's obvious, anything is fine
clevermissfox9mo ago
Doesn’t have to be border/outline to show focus although that’s most common. Any big change that a user can recognize what element is being focused on will do That’s why I’m loving :has(:focus-within) and can change the parent to highlight whether a child has focus in it so it’s very clear where the user is on the form
ἔρως9mo ago
oh, yeah, changing the background or something else is possible, but does get very weird
clevermissfox9mo ago
def can get weird but with the right ui it works, it can be subtle just to highlight but also clear what has focus. weird and ugly is still better than no indication at all in my book
ἔρως9mo ago
i agree with you
JuliannaOP9mo ago
I haven't used :has or :focus-within yet but that does seem super useful!

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