mfad9mo ago
Sadge guy

Looking for comfortable long walk/gym/running shoes that can be dressed up for an Italy trip.

Basically the title. Would be nice to have some shoes with cushion that could also work with a polo or camp collar shirt on my trip. I am kinda on a budget cause im not the richest person lol. Any leads would be greatly appreciated!
15 Replies
carrion9mo ago
what's ur budget in $$?
Sadge guy
Sadge guyOP9mo ago
I would say $200. So nothing crazy designer or off white type shit lol
new balance 574 perhaps
Sadge guy
Sadge guyOP9mo ago
You have a specific color in mind?
that's up to you brother
Sadge guy
Sadge guyOP9mo ago
were you thinking core or the base? I don't have a great eye lol i was looking at nimbus cloud with white 574 core 🤷‍♂️ more suggestions and advice still very much appreciated ! Is the WRPD Runner a good idea lol?
It’s not gonna be as easy to dress up imo
Sadge guy
Sadge guyOP9mo ago
ty Wait Suade material gets ruined in the rain??
Nah it’ll be fine
Sadge guy
Sadge guyOP9mo ago
not sure why i got fear mongered about water spots
That Seinfeld ep has done untold damage to society
Sadge guy
Sadge guyOP9mo ago
loool that's from a seinfeld ep?? i gotta watch that XD
Jerry Shows Off His New Jacket | The Jacket | Seinfeld
Does the man make the jacket, or does the jacket make the man? From Seinfeld Season 2 Episode 5 The Jacket: Jerry wears an expensive jacket when he meets Elaine's father, but an argument ensues when Jerry is reluctant to wear it outside during a snowfall. Find your local listing | http://www.seinfeld.com/ Watch all 180 episodes of Seinfeld an...
Sadge guy
Sadge guyOP9mo ago
lol that was great ty 😂
Gereed9mo ago
Think about sneakers in general Or treewalkers

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