Calculation of hypothetical main size and flex base size with paddings

So i was reading this article by kevin :,The,-reason%20for%20this Now he mentions 2 ways to make equal columns and 2 problems with it. First, using flex:1, he mentions that since content-size of all items is 0, we only have 600-32 = 568px to distribute cuz of the padding on the middle element. So, after the padding is added back, middle element is wider. And padding isn't included in that flex-basis even though we used border-box In the 2nd case, using flex-basis: 100%, he mentions that now the padding is included in the flex-basis and now the content-size of the middle item is 600-32 = 568px and of the others is 600px only. So, the middle one shrinks slightly less. Now what i don't understand is how does the algorithm work exactly. I have already read this answer and that checks out for case 2 and the numbers are perfect. In that, it's mentioned that while using border-box, the flex-basis defines the outer size of the flex-item. So, first the padding is removed from the flex-basis to calculate content-width, then the negative space is distributed and then padding is added back. So, by that logic, in the first case the middle item should have a content-size of 0 - 32 = -32px, and others should be 0. And so, after flex-grow , the middle one would be smaller. The same scenario is mentioned in the spec here,When%20determining%20the%20flex%20base
Stack Overflow
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2 Replies
rg_03OP9mo ago
Now i got to know about hypothetical main size which is clamped to 0 and its the one used in calculations. But then, the hypo main size of all items would just be 0 and so each item would get 200px and after padding, middle item would be 232px and would overflow the container. And this is about the same topic, but the answer is that the hypothetical main size would be +34px. But, if the paddings are subtracted from the flex-base size to calculate content size, why is it +34 and not -34?
Stack Overflow
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I have flex container with fixed width of 600px. Its flex item has flex-basis: 0 with 1px border and 16px padding. Based on spec flex base size of such item should be 0 (based on info in spec https...
rg_03OP9mo ago
can anyone help me?

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