Custom hostnames for SaaS timing out
I'm using Custom Hostnames for SaaS.
I am deploying a fullstack Nuxt SSR app to cloudflare pages.
I have the following:
Fallback origin: -> works fine when visited directly
CNAME target: -> works fine when visited directly
I have a custom hostname ( which is "active" and green across the table.
When visiting the custom hostname I get the CF timeout page:

10 Replies

I created the custom domain via the API if it matters

yea, you can't really use CF for SaaS with Pages, since Pages Custom Domains themselves are CF For SaaS
your options are:
1. Use a Worker/Snippet proxy to proxy all the requests to the (have to pay for each request, or use snippets when they come out)
2. Add them directly to the Pages Project Custom Domains tab (up to the limit)
If I was to add them to the pages custom domains would they still follow the same steps to setup custom host names for sass with the dns records for ssl etc?
And I assume you can add custom domains to pages via api so I can still let customers self serve their vanity domain setup for my platform
Yea, except Pages forces you to http validation, so just need the cname
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are there any plans to make pages work with CF for SaaS? Seems like a missed opportunity that the 2 products don't work together if CF are convincing devs to build SaaS platforms on pages
Well the underlying restriction is Pages Custom Domains are Cf For SaaS, layering them doesn't make much sense. You'd basically have two allow lists. You'd want something like "Pages for SaaS" which would let you directly add and pay per hosname or something. The idea was mentioned a few times before but now with convergence (combining Pages and Workers) on the horizon probably not going to happen till then
Thanks, appreciate the info