How can I make the handle which resizes content bigger. It's too small.

I set my parent up with this CSS but the handle that appears is so tiny that it's barely visible.
resize: both;
overflow: auto;
resize: both;
overflow: auto;
No description
18 Replies
į¼”ĻĻ‰Ļ‚ā€¢2w ago
instead of putting that on the <div>, put it on the <textarea>
o_Oā€¢2w ago
it's an <embed/> but now it's not even appearing.
title="product catalogue"
className="h-[90svh] resize overflow-scroll"
title="product catalogue"
className="h-[90svh] resize overflow-scroll"
į¼”ĻĻ‰Ļ‚ā€¢2w ago
šŸ¤¢ tailwind i don't think this will be possible then
o_Oā€¢2w ago
No description
o_Oā€¢2w ago
because of tailwind?
į¼”ĻĻ‰Ļ‚ā€¢2w ago
no try to remove the overflow scroll but i don't think it will work that well embeds are ... weird
o_Oā€¢2w ago
yea it didn't work you know a better tool for CSS?
į¼”ĻĻ‰Ļ‚ā€¢2w ago
i don't think you will get it to work yes: sass/scss
o_Oā€¢2w ago
I used to use it. it's alright but I prefer tw it's the entire context switching
į¼”ĻĻ‰Ļ‚ā€¢2w ago
tailwind has it's uses, but it's gross reading tailwind feels like touching wet food when washing the dishes
Mannixā€¢2w ago
i don't think you can directly style that bit so your best bet is pseudo element??
į¼”ĻĻ‰Ļ‚ā€¢2w ago
it's in an embed it's controlled by an external process which is why i said that i don't think it is possible it looks like a pdf reader, which won't work on mobile, but many desktops have all sorts of fucked up scroll bars, and positioning anything perfectly is nearly impossible and i really mean what i said, specially those thin transparent hunks of junk that vanish
o_Oā€¢2w ago
making it resizable aside, are you saying using embed to preview pdf might also break on some devices?
į¼”ĻĻ‰Ļ‚ā€¢2w ago
break? no, it just won't work you MUST provide a fallback for example, chrome mobile doesn't work with embed pdfs, and you need to use pdf.js by yourself
o_Oā€¢2w ago
alright. I just want a preview for the pdf on mobile and desktop and want to get done with it ill take a look at this pdf.js darn it. you're right. it says "plugin not supported" just tested on mobile
į¼”ĻĻ‰Ļ‚ā€¢2w ago
you have to add fallback content
o_Oā€¢7d ago
what sort of fallback? Like a "download pdf" button? also it's quite odd knowing that pdf viewing is simply not a thing on mobile browsers. I was searching online thinking that there has to be a way but really, there isn't one. hmm it's just not implemented on moble browsers I guess.
į¼”ĻĻ‰Ļ‚ā€¢7d ago
that or you can use pdf.js to show the pdf