How can I improve my website design

you can destroy it, Sugget me better font , image vector, colour ui design
4 Replies
Julianna2w ago
I think the fonts and colors look great, fits the vibe of a dev platform. I think it might make more sense for it to say “Welcome to IndieGamie” instead of “Welcome to Forum”. I thought your website was called forum for a minute.
ἔρως2w ago
the logo is next to impossible to read i like that you don't use placeholders as labels but the problem is: i can't comment a ton on accessibility and the ui because i can't interact with it
Khoa2w ago
these things should have no color or muted color, you dont want to distract people since you already have colored buttons above
No description
Khoa2w ago
your footer is very good. 👌 you should have a way to differentiate the questions and the replies below the question. rn it's using the same styled box you might want breadcrumb or a back button so that people can go back after reading a question