Need to show 3 cards but want to do something different and unique. Any ideas?
Here's how they look right now. They look terrible in my opinion but I can't come up with something else. I wanna try something new with the layout or at the very least somehow make it look not so atrocious.
I know I'm being vague but I really have no idea here.

12 Replies
you have tons of space to show 3 cards in a single row
besides, without something more palpable than a random number of lines of filler, it's hard to give any proper ideas - more focused on your specific situation
I wanted smth more interesting too so i came up with this
ah, a vertical accordion
a classic
it does look good
Oh I've actually done this one before. How do you think I should handle responsivness? I reckon I'll just make it flow in a row instead of column. what do you think?
you handle it by making your own post, with your own questions
this... is my post.

maybe it's that discord bug for you where it shows wrong name for the OP?
oh, yeah, i didnt notice, sorry
the easiest way to make it responsive is to make it vertical or not an accordion
i kept it the same just made cards tighter but you could also make them vertical
I recently had this idea of letting things overflow but hiding the our of bounds data. AlthoughThis only works where individual items aren't all that important but I think maybe I can do the same for the capsule... or maybe not. we'll see.

that is great to fill space with nonsense garbage that looks pretty in the eyes
if you generate some more words with chatgpt, even better