Need to show 3 cards but want to do something different and unique. Any ideas?

Here's how they look right now. They look terrible in my opinion but I can't come up with something else. I wanna try something new with the layout or at the very least somehow make it look not so atrocious. I know I'm being vague but I really have no idea here.
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4 Replies
ἔρως2w ago
you have tons of space to show 3 cards in a single row besides, without something more palpable than a random number of lines of filler, it's hard to give any proper ideas - more focused on your specific situation
lajkmi.2w ago
I wanted smth more interesting too so i came up with this
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ἔρως2w ago
ah, a vertical accordion a classic it does look good
lajkmi.2w ago