Automatic updating fails, but manually it works fine

My system fails to update automatically, but manually updating works fine, both application and ujust. - Checking the timer, it is activated and does try to run the service.
stefanvandenberg@stefan-desktop:~$ systemctl status ublue-update.timer
● ublue-update.timer - Auto Update System Timer For Universal Blue
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ublue-update.timer; enabled; preset: enabled)
Active: active (waiting) since Wed 2024-06-26 07:36:28 CEST; 20min ago
Trigger: Wed 2024-06-26 13:56:27 CEST; 5h 59min left
Triggers: ● ublue-update.service

jun 26 07:36:28 stefan-desktop systemd[1]: Started ublue-update.timer - Auto Update System Timer For Universal Blue.
stefanvandenberg@stefan-desktop:~$ systemctl status ublue-update.timer
● ublue-update.timer - Auto Update System Timer For Universal Blue
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ublue-update.timer; enabled; preset: enabled)
Active: active (waiting) since Wed 2024-06-26 07:36:28 CEST; 20min ago
Trigger: Wed 2024-06-26 13:56:27 CEST; 5h 59min left
Triggers: ● ublue-update.service

jun 26 07:36:28 stefan-desktop systemd[1]: Started ublue-update.timer - Auto Update System Timer For Universal Blue.
However, the service fails with a generic error exit-code returned after finding the update. See attached the output of journalctl -xeu ublue-update.service and systemctl status ublue-update.service, although they give no actual error message, just the fact it fails.
3 Replies
nivveOP9mo ago
And the actual timer and service files
Artan7mo ago
maybe late but try sudo topgrade --config /usr/share/ublue-update/topgrade-system.toml and confirm the breaking change notif by topgrade 15.0.0. Quit on the second error (when distrobox tell you "Running distrobox-upgrade via SUDO/DOAS is not supported". Test to run systemctl start ublue-update.service and systemctl status ublue-update.service the breaking changes : ── 19:08:21 - Topgrade 15.0.0 Breaking Changes ───────────────────────────────── # Git: Pull Repos 1. The output of "Pulling <repository path>" has been moved behind the --verbose flag / [misc] configuration block. # Configuration 1. The enable_winget configuration entry in the windows section has been removed because it will not cause any issues and will be enabled by default.
nivveOP7mo ago
Thanks for the suggestions Artan. Unfortunately after doing the steps, the original error as described in OP is still occurring. The command sudo topgrade --config /usr/share/ublue-update/topgrade-system.toml does not give any reference anymore to a breaking change, which I think is a good thing that it is now passed this. However, both the timer and manually starting the service give this generic error as described in OP. So it seems that this was not the root cause of the issue; or one of multiple. (and yes, I did restart after running the topgrade command, forgot to mention that)

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