prefers-reduced-motion is a text color animation ok?
I'm making a text-based browser game and I just added a
Wating for player to join
indicator when you join the room and it has a wave animation, but I'd also like to take into consideration users with prefers-reduced-motion
setting on so I made an alternative for it, where text "shines" through.
I'm not sure if it's a good alternative or if it's still too much for users who prefer reduced motion, does anybody know anything about it? First gif is original, second is reduced motion version

5 Replies
That still creates the illusion of movement. Maybe just animate the dots in the ellipsis. It's a much smaller change, so it causes less irritation.
Good idea, will do so if I get more feedback that it causes problems but, just to clarify, are you speaking from experience/are you affected by these types of animations?
I am affected by it.
Could you let me know what you think of this one if you find the time? It's in the spirit of no motion but I wish there was more to it, it feels really bare bones but maybe it's fine?

It doesn't irritate me.