array doesn't want to go away

i want array values that are numbers to be deleted but it doesn't go away and it still shows as ""
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16 Replies
13eck2w ago
It's because you're using the .map() function, which takes in an array of X items and returns an array of the same number of items. Also, you're creating a new array in each loop for no reason—just return el instead. What you should be using is the .filter() function, which takes in an array of X items and returns an array of that many or less.
const newMix = mix.filter( x => {
if (typeof(x) == "string") return true;
else return false;
const newMix = mix.filter( x => {
if (typeof(x) == "string") return true;
else return false;
Which can be made even more succient by:
const newMix = mix.filter( x => (typeof(x) == "string") ? true: false);
const newMix = mix.filter( x => (typeof(x) == "string") ? true: false);
Lastly, please use code blocks (putting code between ``` ) so we can copy/paste your code. Going off of a screenshot isn't very helpful.
عبد الحي
thanks but i have to use map because it's a homework and i have to do it like this
13eck2w ago
.map() won't change the array length, though. It'll always return an array of 11 items (as your initial array has that many items)
عبد الحي
so there's no way right
13eck2w ago
Not with .map(), no
عبد الحي
ok what about .reduce()
13eck2w ago
.reduce()? Yes Both .map() and .filter() can be done using .reduce()
عبد الحي
that's great
13eck2w ago The reduce() function's first parameter is a function that has two parameter: the accumulator (which is the current value passed in from all prior loops) and the value (which is the current value at the index being looped over). You then pass an empty array as the initialValue so you have a new, empty, array to work with. On each loop, you want to check if the value is a string, if it is you add it to the accumulator. If not, you do nothing. Be sure to return the accumulator in the callback function so it can be used in the next loop.
عبد الحي
thank you very much really appreciate it
13eck2w ago
Sure thing! Hope it helps
dysbulic 🐙
dysbulic 🐙2w ago
const newMix = mix.filter((x) => (typeof(x) == "string") ? true : false)
I think you mean: const newMix = mix.filter((x) => typeof(x) === 'string') 😸
13eck2w ago
That works, too, yeah. I like the ternary operator, what can I say? 😉
dysbulic 🐙
dysbulic 🐙2w ago
In general, statement ? true : false is an antipattern since your ternary does nothing but complicate reading the logic.
عبد الحي
you guys are smart you need to 1v1 each other
13eck2w ago
Nah. We’ll tag-team a codebase instead :p