Trying to make a website for tracking student attendance and behaviour

Hello, I am trying to build a website which tracks Student Attendance and Behaviour. I am wondering how hard this would be to create as a beginner to Web Dev. Thank you in advanced
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14 Replies
Aoi9mo ago
Shouldn't be too hard if you stick to your main objective. Are you going for vanilla html js, any framework or yet to decide?
MarkBoots9mo ago
have to learn some back-end and db stuff as well.
Aoi9mo ago
Yeah, depending on wether they use a framework or not; the complexity will hugely vary
DylanOP9mo ago
I haven't decided ywt
Aoi9mo ago
So out of these things, how many have you touched before. 1. html 2. js 3. any other language 4. any type of database
DylanOP9mo ago
I have used HTML, Haven't use JS, I have used CSS a tiny bit vut I haven't used a database yet
Aoi9mo ago
So before this, I suggest you to learn some basic js You will need some sort of database and backend, so if you learn some js. You can use node.js or some online backend solution that doesn't require coding. But you would still need to know js.
DylanOP9mo ago
I have touched databases a little bit but I couldn't figure out how to add logins to it
Aoi9mo ago
That's alright, the first step will be to learn at least one programming language. Preferably javascript in your case.
DylanOP9mo ago
Where would be a good place to start learning js?
Aoi9mo ago is really good. also make sure to search for javascript in #resources, there's a ton of good stuff in there
Aoi9mo ago
Credit~ @Jochem
Jochem9mo ago
I'm just copying B1 and Beck
DylanOP9mo ago
Thanks y'all

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