40°F pics?

So hey, I was teaching my friend how to dress for colder temperatures (40-50 is as low as it gets here). Not like fashionwise, the basic survival stuff like wearing three layers we weren't taught. But since I'm in a server with dapper fellas, could one of you send pics of their fits when it was about this temperature outside?
14 Replies
s0up2w ago
Is there any particular style you want? or just general outfits from that temperature?
Gatan do rock
Gatan do rock2w ago
More popular styles/basic outfits would help But take "basic" very liberally like we're 20 and queer
zeometer2w ago
basic fits, usually just shirt + sweater + jacket for me
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s0up2w ago
I can share some stuff that I've worn in those temperatures, they might not be what interests you but I think they should fit into basics
s0up2w ago
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s0up2w ago
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eggtart!2w ago
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eggtart!2w ago
i usually default to hoodie / hoodie + bomber and the occasional underlayer to help w/ thinner pants
oman1212w ago
unrelated but the pants in that second pic go hard
tun🌻2w ago
Here's a somewhat random collection mostly from @watchingnewyork and @uniformdisplay on insta
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Mooses2w ago
some of my own fits I wore that were around that temp
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Krabix2w ago
A good thick wool jumper with a wool hat and a barbour coat for me. If you don't want to worry about altering outfits, thermal underlayers including long Johns are a good idea No pics atm sorry. Hope my brit terminology isn't too confusing