Physics doubt
Why q and -q charges came on the capacitor by the flow of current i in the circuit ?

6 Replies
@Gyro Gearloose
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to close the thread when your doubt is solved. Mention the users who helped you solve the doubt. This will be added to their stats.current is flow of charge per unit time , u can see current goes to 1 surface of capacitor and comes from other surface of capacitor , on one surface charge is accumlated (-q) and that charge is taken from other surface (+q) @Say_miracle_shadow
@Say_miracle_shadow it works something like this...see the constant current first starts coming in through one side of the plate, but it encounters the air gap barrier. the breakdown voltage is too high, so the charges cant escape, but due to the setup E field in the space between the plates, the opposite plate becomes +ve charged over the same magnitude, and frees up the same amount of e- on the other side to now complete the conducting circuit.
hence the current dies off once the capacitor reaches its max values.
Okay, understood ! 👍
+ solved @Deleted User @Gamertug
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