RunPod8mo ago

A4000 - 50GB , BUT ONLY GETTING 16 GB BASED ON nvidia-smi

Hello, not sure if I am doing something wrong, but I purchased a pod using A4000 50GB, but when I run nvidia-smi I only see 16GB. I am not sure why ? I see after purchase that this is 9cpu, so not sure what is going on , since even 9x16 = 144, so why is this advertised as 50GB ? Any clarifications or settings please do advise, it is not obvious.
1 Reply
nerdylive8mo ago
Hey I don't think a4k is 50gbs of vram Are you mistaking video ram and ram? Vcpu is the virtual cores amount what is 9*16? I'm sure you're having the wrong calculations for this, and I think that's not how this works unless you're renting 16 gpus in one pod What were you hoping to rent?

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