[URGENT] Failed to return results

Hi, I am having issues for a few hours with one of my serverless pods. When the process ends, it fails to reach to api.runpod. 2024-06-23T09:09:05.462788318Z {"requestId": "sync-53542990-e57d-4f02-acb4-988800d2cd1a-u1", "message": "Failed to return job results. | Connection timeout to host https://api.runpod.ai/v2/2ylrt71iu9oxpi/job-done/wy06bwgvghwp50/sync-53542990-e57d-4f02-acb4-988800d2cd1a-u1?gpu=NVIDIA+RTX+A4000&isStream=false", "level": "ERROR"}
1 Reply
nerdylive2w ago
Report this to runpod by contact button on the website