Good day guys.

Good day guys. I wanna ask for advices about how deploy a worker API that I implemented using D1 as storage and a react SPA built using vite, that I used to serve using express.js.
1 - Is it good to deploy the worker as is and in parallel the react SPA in pages? Will this be ok? 2- Will this need cors whitelist or something? 3 -Will be better to serve the SPA using getAssetFromKV from '@Cloudflare/kv-asset-handler'? 4- Will using functions will be better for my case? I'm reading now about Workers Sites, will this be an option?
4 Replies
SteffTek9mo ago
if i read your request the right way, you just askin if you can deploy your api as a worker and host your website as well, right? Worker Pages (or Sites as you call it) can host static html, or a built site from any modern framework, and the worker can host the backend. so yes this is possible, just dont host it from KV :D
SonyCOP9mo ago
but how then would I link them to comunicate each other? Like the frontend making request to the api using localhost:8787 or using the dns and whitelisting it on cors options? is there a bindings/service on the toml setting that I can use for it?
SteffTek9mo ago
you can directly call sub workers, the api allows that its like interal http, so just like localhost, but much easier
SonyCOP9mo ago

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