How can I scroll it from right to left like a wave?

I want to scroll it from right to left, but it should move like a wave. How can I do this, or is there any JavaScript plugin for it?
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12 Replies
Jochem3w ago
if the question is animation + javascript, the answer is almost always gsap no idea how to use it myself though
i know how to animate it but i did not do like this before that's why i don't understand how should i do it.
Jochem3w ago
Someone else might have a more in depth answer, but all I can do to help in this case is link you gsap:
Homepage | GSAP
GSAP is an industry standard JavaScript animation library from GreenSock that lets you craft high-performance animations that work in every major browser.
i know it mate. i need like my example who did it like me & if anyone do similar to me and give me hint of that then it will be helpful for me.
clevermissfox2w ago
you want an animation that plays on its own or is only triggered on scroll? GSAP is a popular js animation library or you can use your own css keyframes
this one is a branding section & it will move like marquee tag but the section animation should be like wave. how can i do it ? do you have any idea ?
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clevermissfox2d ago
Svg most likely for the wave; regular translate for the marquee. And depends if you want it triggered on scroll or not and how good of browser support you need
i don't want to scroll it by scroll triggered. it will move by default. actually i wanted scroll it like marquee as well as wave type. like, the branding logo move like a wave. how can i do it?
b1mind2d ago
You can make a SVG with two paths one for the wave, another for the path for the logos to follow. I saw GSAP mentioned it would probably be what I used to do this.
okay, let me try & if you get same thing like my image example then please provide me. thank you.
b1mind2d ago
I probably won't have time to make an example this intense sorry. Would be a fun one though.
it's ok, no problem but if you get anything like this then you can share.
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