Cygwin Question
I need help. I'm going through a Command Line course (via Wes Bos) and kinda ran into a roadblock. First of all, I can use the standard terminal, of course, but I've been using Git Bash instead. In the course, Wes suggests installing Cygwin if you're running Windows. So, like a good student, I went to download. Started installing and made it to the window where I'm supposed to choose the packages I want to install. I have NO IDEA what to choose here, and from what I've read online, installing ALL is not something I want to do. Any help would be absolutely lovely. I went with the first mirror option (first image) and the second screenshot is most of what it has on offer.

5 Replies
Tried to go with the default. Does this mean I don't have enough disk space?

nvm. I just canceled that. Guess I'll stick with Bash for now
If you've got the space for it, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is worlds better than Cygwin.
if you must use git on windows, because of vscode, then i very strongly suggest you to install this:
unless you really know what you're doing, don't use cygwin anymore
Well, I haven't used Cygwin yet at all. I've barely used Git Bash - only when I "had" to, I guess? I have done so little with command line so far - which is why I was going through that course. But he's using Apple. I'm using Windows. He went through no specifics on Cygwin. Next on the list is "Installing ZSH." I suppose the opinions on that will be as varied as this? lol. I've never heard of it - haven't investigated it yet because I figured this course would tell me what I need to know. Not so sure now. Thanks for the input.