Uncaught Error: EvalError: Code generation from strings disallowed for this context

Out of the blue I started getting this error in miniflare (local dev). None of my code is calling eval and so far I can't find anything in my deps. In general can anyone suggest how to debug workers that fail to startup.
Uncaught Error: EvalError: Code generation from strings disallowed for this context
✘ [ERROR] MiniflareCoreError [ERR_RUNTIME_FAILURE]: The Workers runtime failed to start. There is likely additional logging output above.
Uncaught Error: EvalError: Code generation from strings disallowed for this context
✘ [ERROR] MiniflareCoreError [ERR_RUNTIME_FAILURE]: The Workers runtime failed to start. There is likely additional logging output above.
1 Reply
richburdonOP9mo ago
I resolved the issue (found Function('path', 'return import(path)')) but would still like to know if there's a better way to diagnose or find the error.

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