Spectre Agent who can phase through walls!!
Im going to call him Spectre. If you want more details on what his abilities are and all of that I will send you details but this is his ult and his background!
Ultimate Ability:
Void Passage:
Spectre becomes fully incorporeal and gains increased movement speed for a short duration. While in this state, Spectre can move through walls and other solid objects freely and mark enemies for their teammates, revealing their locations even after exiting the phased state.
Charge Requirement: 6 points
Duration: 10 seconds
Once a top-tier intelligence operative for a clandestine organization, Spectre was subjected to an experimental procedure that went awry. The experiment aimed to create the perfect infiltrator by merging advanced technology with paranormal abilities. While the procedure was deemed a failure by the organization, it left Spectre with the uncanny ability to phase through solid objects. Now a rogue agent, Spectre uses their powers to uncover secrets and turn the tide of battle in the world of Valorant.

8 Replies
That sounds really similar to yoru ult
Yea but you can go through walls and there are more abilities which are diffrent too
Basic Abilities:
1. Ghost scan:
Description: sends a beam which allows players to see other players within a 50m arduous through walls.
Cooldown: 35 seconds
Duration: 3 seconds
2. Spectral Veil:
Description: Deploys a spectral smoke screen that not only obscures vision but also temporarily dampens sound, making footsteps within the veil nearly inaudible.
Cooldown: 35 seconds
Duration: 8 seconds
Signature Ability:
Wraith Tag:
Description: Spectre throws a spectral marker that sticks to surfaces or enemies. When activated, Spectre can teleport to the marker’s location. If attached to an enemy, the teleport stuns them briefly.
Cooldown: 40 seconds
Duration: Marker lasts 10 seconds
(I need help with a 3rd ability!!)
Voice Lines:
Match Start: "Time to blur the lines between worlds."
Ability Use (Comunity Ability):
Ability Use (Spectral Veil): "Silence and shadows."
Ability Use (Wraith Tag): "Marked for the taking."
Ultimate Use (Void Passage): "You can't hide from the void."
Kill: "Another one fades to oblivion."
Death: "Even spectres fall..."
There are some more details!
What you all think?
Why is no one looking
this is lole to good lol
The tp isblike yoru
Is like*
Its a cool concept but his ultimate is definitely gonna come with a ton of a bugs