phy multi correct

Question 9
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27 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
@Gyro Gearloose
iTeachChem Helper
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Deleted User
Deleted User9mo ago
well seems correct.....
Ghostty9mo ago
Yes the answers marked are correct if that's what you want to ask @hardcoreisdead
hardcoreisdeadOP9mo ago
I want their proof
myst1cboomer9mo ago
you do understand the c option right? if you understand the c option then simply the b option is a(vector ) multiplied by the unit vector to get the component of a(vector) in the direction of v(vector)
hardcoreisdeadOP9mo ago
Nah that's the whole problem
Ghostty9mo ago
Speed is only changed by tangential acceleration @hardcoreisdead While centripetal acc only changes the direction of motion
Deleted User
Deleted User9mo ago
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Deleted User9mo ago
hardcoreisdeadOP9mo ago
Is my diag correct V2-v1 signify accn here
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Deleted User9mo ago
try to bring V2 vector and v1 vector tail to tail, then draw the vector thru head of v1 towards v2, that would represent the "amount" by which the vector v1 was shifted to get v2, in other words, a (after dividing by time ofcourse). also not it would only be the average accelartion......
hardcoreisdeadOP9mo ago
Is this relevant??? Imma be honest I don't get it
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hardcoreisdeadOP9mo ago
Anyone ?
Comrade Rock Astley
It's not too important, it's up to you whether you want to learn it
hardcoreisdeadOP9mo ago
about the question.. u got a soln?
Comrade Rock Astley
hmm If you exert a force on a body in a particular direction, there is acceleration in the same direction This acceleration can be represented by a vector, and any vector can be resolved, or "split" along any set of axes for example, we take the case of a body in a circular path (like in the question)
Comrade Rock Astley
(very rough diagram)
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Comrade Rock Astley
Let the green lines be the axes, let the white curve denote some circular path, let the square be the body on that path That body is fixed on the path, hence the velocity is along the path Now, this acceleration can be "split" along the axes
Comrade Rock Astley
here a1 is parallel to the horizontal axis (say x-axis) and a2 is parallel to the vertical (y) axis The point is that whether you apply acceleration a, or acceleration a1 and a2 together, the result on the body is the same and the proof of that lies in trigonometry (can you prove it?) Now, similarly you can take any other system of axes and resolve the vector along them, so for convenience I will take one axis (x) along the direction of v, and another (y) perpendicular to it
Comrade Rock Astley
like this
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Comrade Rock Astley
And similarly you can resolve it like this
Comrade Rock Astley
Now, a2 causes a change in velocity perpendicular to the path But we know the object cannot move that way because it is fixed to the circular path somehow, hence a2 has no effect However, a1 has no such issues and causes a change in velocity along the direction of the path, where the object is free to move Hence, the component that is parallel to the velocity/path is the only one that affects motion Have I answered your question? Does this help, do you need any clarification?
hardcoreisdeadOP9mo ago
omg tysm for such a detailed explanation. earlier i was considering normal accn only and not the net of tangential and normal. thanxx. ill be closing the thread now +solved @Comrade Rock Astley
iTeachChem Helper
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