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It depends which infinity is bigger
Yes there are different types of infinities
Say one function was x
While other were 2x
Maybe some other were x²
.it depends on which infinity are we talking about
If the infinity above is bigger maybe it would turn out to be 0 into ♾️ form
So we can't really say that this will be the only answer
There are cases
Sometimes the answer would be a finite riyal number
Sometimes it'd be infinity large.
For example
(X³/3x) [2/x]
Here in the left side we have infinity by infinity while right side tends to 0
We know that the final answer is gon be 2x/3 which indeed tends to infinity
So it depends on situation
In this question we have 2 inderminant form so we cannot answer about it
firstly, you never get ∞/∞ anywhere. If the function is giving ∞ for some x, it is not defined at that point. ∞/∞ is an inderterminate form which occurs when we are studying limits. it can be removed, and the function approaches a real value, mostly.
∞/∞ * 0 can come in some limit, just solve it using the different methods we have.
secondly, ∞ * 0 is not defined. it’s like multiplying a car and a pen. absurd.
these things only appear during limits and can be handled according
it’s true that there are multiple infinities. but note that x and x^2 approach the same infinity.
the infinity of natural numbers is a different one and ‘smallest’ that we come across. it is like a countable infinity. next is the infinity of real numbers, then complex and so on
to add a bit more context, each of these is like a power set of the previous one, so size of reals is 2^(size of naturals)
hope this cleared up the confusion @Say_miracle_shadow
We may say number of natural numbers = number of whole numbers = number if integers= no. If rational numbers = number of real numbers = eleph null🫡🫡
rationals not the same size as reals
rationals and irrationals make up reals
Oh thank you for telling 😁
we compare sizes by bijections. i hope you know what that means ofc
if you’re able to create a bijective map between two sets, they are same size
like integers can be mapped to naturals. there is a way to map rationals as well, but with NxN
you can’t create a bijective map between rationals and reals
good discussion 😄
if the 0 is tends to 0 then the limit is still of the form of infinity/infinity
if you want proof of the statement i gave it is simply the way of solving 0*infinity form
i.)Infinity is not a number, but a concept. So, just saying ♾️/♾️ does not make much sense.
ii.)$\frac{a}{b}$ where a and b both are tending to infinity is an indeterminate form, which can tend to zero, infinity or some other constant, if a and b are related via some constraint (a and b must be related)

Can you give an example of this?
Lim x--->0 xlnx
This is 0*infinity
convertible to 0/0 form, but yeah...
+ solved @Deleted User @myst1cboomer @SirLancelotDuLac @πrate @Sam
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