where's a place I could wear a suit to?

I wanna wear a suit but there isn't anything going on I could wear one to
7 Replies
Smiles2w ago
Ethan M. Wong
a little bit of rest
What Is An Occasion?
Is getting boba an Occasion? Yes! Is it dumb to wear a cool fit to do it? No! You can bet your ass I’m going to wear clothes I love to do a thing I enjoy.
Bonnacon2w ago
Grocery store
zeometer2w ago
wore a suit to the eye doctor last month
Homebrew102w ago
Wore a suit for a walk around town at the weekend
thumb yorke
thumb yorke2w ago
Wore a suit to contest a speeding ticket recently
toophpik2w ago
I wore a suit to go skiing last month
jfarrell4682w ago
Literally anywhere But, more realistically, any time you go to a restaurant or social event. You just have to accept that you will be more formally dressed than the people around you. Nothing wrong with that. You can also try wearing a blazer and tie. That's more casual than a suit, and much more flexible.