CSS Container Queries not working

I was going over the bare basics of container queries in CSS and I was not able to get the colour paragraph inside the container to change when the div's size is >=400px <style> .container { container-type: inline-size; border: 2px solid black; } p { background-color: blue; } @container (min-width: 400px) { p { background-color: red; font-size: 2rem; } } </style> <body> <div class="container"> <p>Card content</p> </div> </body> Other things worked... like the paragraph's font size would change at that breakpoint, but this background colour just wouldn't. Does anyone know why?
1 Reply
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson3w ago
I just pasted your code as is into a codepen and it appeared to be working correctly.