Chemistry doubt

Why zero order reaction cannot be an elementary reaction?
9 Replies
!Nimay¡9mo ago
simple reason, for an elementary reaction order = molecularity and molecularity can never be 0 as it is the number of participating reactant molecules in the reaction
iTeachChem Helper
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Say_miracle_shadowOP9mo ago
But in pseudo reactions , molecularity is not equal to order of reaction.
Say_miracle_shadowOP9mo ago
No description
.sidd.9mo ago
zaruri nahi h molecularty and order different bhi ho skte
!Nimay¡9mo ago
In pseudo reactions you alter the reaction by putting a reactant in excess which essentially means its concentration is constant in the rate law expression which explains why order becomes different Han then the reaction is complex
iTeachChem9mo ago
+solved @!Nimay¡
iTeachChem Helper
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