
I am using latest version of the warp client on Windows 11. when enabling warp I goes to connecting and than fails with dns lookup error from log and network interfaces I see that the client is able to successfully change the dns servers to however the dns resolution does not work there is nothing bound on port 53 at my pc any idea on investigating this further ? I could not spot anything useful from warp-debug
4 Replies
Vero | Public Holiday
Hi. You could try these steps: 1. Verify that the network the user is on has DNS connectivity. 2. Verify that DNS resolution works when WARP is disabled. 3. Ensure that no third-party tools are interfering with WARP for control of DNS. 4. Ensure that no third-party tools are performing TLS decryption on traffic to the WARP IP addresses. You can find more info about client errors here:
Cloudflare Docs
Client errors · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
This page lists the error codes that can appear in the WARP client GUI. If you do not see your error below, refer to common issues or contact …
samuel88OP9mo ago
hi I did check the link but no luck. there is no 3rd party tool installed afaik that is interfering with warp. warp can Bind to Port 53 but the name resolution is failing. dns works fine without warp I haven't configured any gateway dns policies in the zero trust portal . though I assume this shouldn't be a problem?
samuel88OP9mo ago has the log snippet
024-06-17T10:54:29.174Z WARN dns_proxy::resolver: DoH No Connectio... is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.
samuel88OP9mo ago
any assistance?

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