hello everyone I need your help!!! I am
hello everyone I need your help!!! I am running the latest kohya_ss for SDXL Lora training with 26 training images * 8 repeats which should be around 208 training images with repeats but while the script recognizes that (INFO 208 train images with repeating. ) it loads double images and as a result I get double total training steps... Anyone else got similar issue?
3 Replies
My configs are:
num_repeats = 8
image_dir = "/workspace/stable-diffusion/kohya_ss/img"
num_repeats = 1
image_dir = "/workspace/stable-diffusion/kohya_ss/reg/man"
class_tokens = "man"
is_reg = true
resolution = 1024
shuffle_caption = true
keep_tokens = 1
flip_aug = false
caption_extension = ".txt"
enable_bucket = true
bucket_no_upscale = false
bucket_reso_steps = 64
min_bucket_reso = 256
max_bucket_reso = 4096
unet_lr = 0.0005
text_encoder_lr = 5e-5
network_dim = 8
network_alpha = 4
network_module = "networks.lora"
network_train_unet_only = false
learning_rate = 0.0005
lr_scheduler = "constant"
optimizer_type = "AdamW"
optimizer_args = [ "weight_decay=0.1", "betas=[0.9,0.99]",]
pretrained_model_name_or_path = "/workspace/stable-diffusion/kohya_ss/sdxl_base_1.safetensors"
vae = "/workspace/stable-diffusion/kohya_ss/sdxl_vae.safetensors"
max_train_epochs = 10
train_batch_size = 1
seed = 42
max_token_length = 225
xformers = true
sdpa = false
min_snr_gamma = 8.0
lowram = false
no_half_vae = true
gradient_checkpointing = true
gradient_accumulation_steps = 1
max_data_loader_n_workers = 8
persistent_data_loader_workers = true
mixed_precision = "bf16"
full_bf16 = true
cache_latents = true
cache_latents_to_disk = true
cache_text_encoder_outputs = false
min_timestep = 0
max_timestep = 1000
prior_loss_weight = 1.0
save_precision = "bf16"
save_model_as = "safetensors"
save_every_n_epochs = 10
save_last_n_epochs = 10
output_name = "my_lora"
output_dir = "/workspace/stable-diffusion/kohya_ss/output"
log_prefix = "my_lora"
logging_dir = "/workspace/stable-diffusion/kohya_ss/log"
do you have reg images?
classification images?
Hi yes, I have about 3000 reg images in one folder
which I am ponting to
reg images repeat is 1