ip and ports
how can i make an ip disappear the port like i have a ts server connected to the port * but i want to put the default one in that way i can leave that empty how can i do all within cloudflare?
31 Replies
Do you mean just allow cloudflare IP's to access your Server?
If yes this gist could be useful:
Firewalld nftables CloudFlare IP Whitelisting
Firewalld nftables CloudFlare IP Whitelisting. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
i have the ip like x.x.x.x:y i don't want that it work like sub.domain.com:y but i want sub.domain.com
Then you can use the Rules
Rules > Origin Rules
Then it should work without port
and how i have to setup this rule?
idk how to setup it
When incoming requests match…
idk here
1. Enter a Rule Name
2. On "IF" select
Custom filter expression
3. Selec tin the first box Hostname, in the second equals
and in the third then your Domain and Subdomain
4. Click on Rewrite to…
and set the PortLike that

in the set the port of the rewrite i have to put the port to cover or the port default of the service?
The port you have to enter atm
not working
But it should
What issue you have rn?

i have done the ip with an A connection
after i put the same ip on the rules with the connection to the port 26236
Uhhh it needs to be proxied
i have to enable dns only?
uh nuh uh if its just because its on a unsupported Port
then i can't?
It should be possible
Thats how I did it too
it's a teamspeak server
oh then not
idk just can speak then of HTTP(s) things
i need to convert the port to like 9987
okay. Then CloudFlare can't really help there I guess
u have some other solution i cna try?
Not really atm
okay thanks u anywats