Hi TS, @bill_da_golfer , @vmcafee ,

Hi TS, @bill_da_golfer , @vmcafee , I have this liveboard url: https://{my_app_id}.thoughtspot.cloud/#/pinboard/b4d4bb2d-668c-4afb-b84f-41e6203f9c9b/tab/75803ca4-ba28-4d81-9b1e-4ca7b4d3155c?view=f48b0e19-af0a-4fb8-b35a-e03e47a04794 and I want to call it using the LiveboardEmbed, here is what I am doing: const liveboardEmbed = new LiveboardEmbed(embedRef.current, { frameParams: { width: "100%", height: "100%", }, liveboardId: "b4d4bb2d-668c-4afb-b84f-41e6203f9c9b", vizId: "f48b0e19-af0a-4fb8-b35a-e03e47a04794", activeTabId: "75803ca4-ba28-4d81-9b1e-4ca7b4d3155c", }); liveboardEmbed.render(); But that didn’t worked as it keep spinning, if I call it with this: const liveboardEmbed = new LiveboardEmbed(embedRef.current, { frameParams: { width: "100%", height: "100%", }, liveboardId: "b4d4bb2d-668c-4afb-b84f-41e6203f9c9b", }); liveboardEmbed.render(); It will work, but I need to display that livaboard with the same view: "f48b0e19-af0a-4fb8-b35a-e03e47a04794 ", and that what I am looking for. Any ideas about how I can map those UUIDs correctly, thanks.
3 Replies
bill_da_golfer8mo ago
So you want to embed just the particular viz? First, you won't need the tab, that part is just for telling the liveboard what tab to show when loading.
It looks like you are trying to use the view ID for the vizID. If I do that as well in the playground, I also see the ... for a while. You can get the specific vizID via the playground by using the single visualization. You can also use the liveboard and click the more menu and copy link. It will be after the tab ID.
joel8mo ago
Hi @bill_da_golfer , I think there was some confusion around vizId possibly being a reference for personalized view and not for a visualization/answer. I don't think there exists a method for setting a specific personalized view which is what we were hoping to do.
bill_da_golfer8mo ago
Yeah - the only way to do it is using AppEmbed and the path option. I should say, that's the only way I found to do it. I'm asking internally. It would be a nice addition to the SDK.

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