
Isme B ki outer surface pr to -q charge induce ho ga na?
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14 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
@Gyro Gearloose
iTeachChem Helper
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iTeachChem Helper
@Gyro Gearloose
iTeachChem Helper
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Sam9mo ago
I think inner surface pe induce hoga
Real potato
Real potatoOP9mo ago
outer wle pr kyu nhi bro? Andar -q or bahar +q ?
The flux is zero inside the spherical shell so the net charge is zero and hence -q charges appears in the inner surface thru induction....
Sam9mo ago
*outside, the flux is zero outside
Why outside ?
Aguilar9mo ago
Flux inside shellA is zero as there is no charge in it, on surface positive as given, now shellB is earthed so it's potential is zero, now write potentials on surface of shellB due to both the shells: KQa/Rb + KQb/Rb = 0 (Rb is radius of shellB, and Qa is the +ve charge given on shellA) so Qa = -Qb, ehich means same magnitude of -ve charge induced on shellB, so will it be inside or outside? Let's see... Now take the inner radius of shellB (Rb') and outer radius (Rb'') now find potential on the oter surface, which is zero due to Earthing: KQa/Rb'' + KQb/Rb'' + KQ''/Rb'' = 0 (Q'' on outer surface of shellB) So KQa/Rb" + KQb/Rb" cancel out as Qa = -Qb... So we're left with KQ"/Rb" = 0, K and Rb" can't be zero, so Q" is zero which proves charge on outer shell is zero So -ve charge must be induced on the inner surface If earthing wasn't there there would be equal magnitude+ve charge on the outer surface of shellB aswell Bahar nhi hoga +q Read what i said above
Real potato
Real potatoOP9mo ago
Got it bro Thanks a lot
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Real potato
Real potatoOP9mo ago
+solved @Aguilar
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