8 Replies
@1AndOnlyPika is also experiencing this
Endpoint ID can be copied and pasted from my JSON above. @1AndOnlyPika can you add your endpoint id please?
Yeah sometimes I see this on the logs too but sometimes when this happen, it returns the job result as usual
Yeah I think it retries when this happens, because I see I had 3 retried requests
in my worker code, i added a ping to a random website right before finishing the job and hwen it fails to return job restuls, the connection still goes through
so its an issue with runpod and not the worker itself
going to look into switching to a websocket for communicating with my worker and getting restuls
i think its not possible if the ws is initiated from outside but if its from serverless well you could try
cc: @Satish
it calls icanhazip.com before and outputs it, so internet is working, just runpod isnt
also sometimes get this
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url: https://api.runpod.ai/v2/rtqb8oacytm879/status/964637fc-0084-4872-a91f-0e82a88b592c-u1