Cloudflare to Cloudflare .UK Domain Migration

Hi I'm trying to migrate a managed domain AND dns from my cloudflare account to another cloudflare account a client has just setup and provided me access. The nameservers need to change to use the clients: and but it says I cannot do this within the free plan. The domain needs to transfer to the clients account but if I unlock and say I'm transferring to the the tag CLOUDFLARE it throws an error. Are there any clear steps I can follow to move this to my clients account so that they can take over the domain management cost and handle their own DNS Thanks
5 Replies
Hello, I’m Allie!
To confirm, is the domain registered on Cloudflare Registrar?
latwelveOP9mo ago
Yep thank you
Hello, I’m Allie!
To transfer to a different account, you must first transfer the domain off of Cloudflare Registrar to a different registrar
latwelveOP9mo ago
madness! thanks I'll do that
Hello, I’m Allie!
If your domain is using Cloudflare Registrar, you will need to transfer your domain to another registrar because we not currently support transferring Cloudflare Registrar domains between Cloudflare accounts. We are looking to add this in the future, refer to this feature request.

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