Agent Concept: DUNE

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癒歌4w ago
Rising from the Sahara sands, Dune, an agent from the Malian deserts, embodying the fierce and mesmerizing nature of the region. Her presence can either captivate your heart or seize your very soul. Beware her relentless sandstorms that can swiftly engulf the unprepared, leaving them buried six feet under the unforgiving dunes. Those who witness her presence in the battlefield are often left with nothing but a haunting trail of sand in their wake.
Codename: Dune Role: Controller Real Name: FILE NOT FOUND Race: Radiant Age: FILE NOT FOUND
Abilities; - C [Sandscreen] - Constructs grains of sand into a dense, swirling wall of particles, creating a visually obstructive smokescreen. This sand barrier not only provides cover for allies but also presents a formidable obstacle for enemies. When opponents attempt to breach the sandscreen, their vision is immediately clouded, causing a brief impairment, and their movement is slowed as they struggle to navigate through the thick veil of sand. - Q [Dusty Veil] - Creates of short-duration smoke that envelops a designated area. Enemies caught within the smoke are slowed as the sand swirls around them, hindering their movements. The smokes dissipate quickly, but within that brief moment, they can significantly impede the enemy's movement, slowing them in the process. - E [Scorching Sands] - Conjure a wave of hot sand to blanket a targeted area. Enemies caught within the swirling sands are temporarily blinded and are subjected to a burning effect, causing damage over time, - X [Rampaging Sandstorm] - Calls upon the guidance of the Greek god Psamathe to unleash a devastating sandstorm. Dune conjures a mighty sandstorm that engulfs the battlefield, imposing the will of the ancient deity upon their enemies. As the sandstorm rages, the vision of the enemies engulfed by the rampaging storm is heavily impaired, and their movements are significantly slowed. In addition, the swirling sands disrupt the effectiveness of their firearms, disrupting their ability to accurately aim and fire.
Velly4w ago
癒歌4w ago
Shoutout to @Mc(Nerfed)Cypher for helping me come up with abilities and writing it out for me! You're so sweet 😭
Velly4w ago
I have an absolute obsession for other people's ocs I'm gonna hold everything i see in my arms :please:
癒歌4w ago
癒歌4w ago
Thank you!!!! If anyone is interested I will be doing other agent concepts the next couple of weeks
Velly4w ago
Do they have lore too :val_Hampter:
癒歌4w ago
Not yet :val_Hampter:
Velly4w ago
AWE I'd like it if you ping me for lore :val_Hampter: I love stories
癒歌4w ago
Alright, I'll make a rough draft and you can spice it up again if you'd like!
Velly4w ago
Ohh okay!
癒歌4w ago
Might change it up but I think I like this. Its a spray for the next agent concept!
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Aliilii4w ago