my agent concept

agent concept real!!
1 Reply
NinKnightOP9mo ago
"Nin", codenamed "Corruption". Lore: He was once an agent specializing in tech, but while trying to run away from the explosion of the spike, he tripped and fell. The spike exploded, and he nearly died. However, a crimson glitch looking character that looks like Nin helped Nin up and brought him out. To the people watching Nin, he just disappeared. Origin: REDACTED (redacted by the "C0RRVPT10N". His C ability is called "Corrupted Destruction", Nin sends out a corrupted version of him. Fire to send a clone that will flash enemies if enemies are in its sight, enemies will be flashed. Alt fire to send a corrupted clone, but when attacked, enemies will be stunned and Nin teleported to the clone. His E ability is called "Blade of Corruption", where Nin holds onto a wall, and places a corrupted mine, where if an enemy walks near it, the blade shoots out, grabbing the enemy and impaling them, telling Nin and his team about the location of the enemy. His Q ability is "Cloak of Corruption", Nin grabs his own arm, corrupting himself, switching dimensions to the corruption, a rebuilt one of the map, but crimson (lasts 3 seconds), his X ability is called "T@K30V3R" (takeover), where Nin corrupts himself, letting the same person that saved him take over, having un nerving accuracy and corrupting the gun, bullet spread lowered to near 0. Looks: Nin has a black jacket, crimson pants, black shoes, black hair, crimson eye, and his right hand slightly being crimson" "Astolfus" a man from the north, code named "Smith" which his fellow agents think is his real name (it isnt). Basically, he's a blacksmith, who made the weapons you use today. (vandal and shi). His C ability is named "Anvil toss", basically like brimstone's smoke, but enemies directly above it will get damaged (15 dmg), his Q is named "Quick Smith", wherein he throws down an anvil and pulls out a hammer, giving allies near him 15 shield, but, the more allies around him the more time "Quick Smith" has. (Eg. 1 ally takes 1 second and so on). His E ability is called "Forge". Fire to place an hammer where you are, while boosting your accuracy and lowering bullet spread, then once you die with forge activated, your body turns into molten lava, leaving an area the size of Sage's slowness area (team members and you will be damaged) and the lava will disappear in 3 seconds. Alt fire to start making ammo for your selected gun (only for you and not team members). His ultimate is called "Might of the Smith", he takes his (medium sized) hammer and slams it on the ground, doing a flash and shockwave. (flash lasts 3 secs). His origin / lore is that, he was working in a production company for weapons, near a site that was supposedly the site of an in game map, (Docks, which is my concept map) while loading the guns on docks, he heard gunshots and decided to hide. This was when the attack happened, and in the explosion his leg was caught in the process, and he couldnt work anymore, deciding to become an agent i think its too big both of my stuff

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