Pod Unable to Start Docker Container
I've tested this Docker image on my local computer and other servers, however on Runpod it seems to be stuck in a loop displaying "start container". Is this an issue others have encountered before?

15 Replies
No, except your pods has a notice that it has any problems
So it's should be a problem with your docker image
May I see your dockerfile
i appreciate the help!
Is server url accessible from the pod
yep it should be
Maybe all the process has ended?
What's wait for? Waiting all process to finish?
Try to add more logging into your python file
yeah ill give it a shot
oh to note, this docker file is being specifed through templetes

Try using sleep infinity instead of wait if it keep restarting
its my understanding that the container start command is not requred if there's a dockerfile present?
It adds using cmd only
hmmm i think runpod may actully not be the best choice, due to other circumstances on second thought
ill come back to this thread if things change, but thanks for the help!
I would save it as sh script and bake into container then set CMD command to start sh script
If you want an easy way to launch, I'd say just add your requirements here. But there multiple stuff going on mainly that you need to have more stuff than just a basic python docker container.
But gl with whatever other solution you end up using! 🙂
It does seem like just looking at your requirements and guessing, you basically prob want to use a cpu pod serverless, to do some yt stuff
Would love to hear what your use case is and why we might not be the best choice